Museum and Exhibits
View costumes from Janina, the Romaniote capital of Greece. Behold the world's largest collection of Alefs, the Romaniotes' distinctive hand-painted birth certificates. Learn about the differences between the Romaniotes and the Sephardim. Follow their travels through history.
The Museum includes a library, an art gallery, the first Holocaust Memorial to Greek Jews in America, and extensive resources about the Romaniote experience. Our restored lower level includes the Dr. Ada Finifter z"l Communal Room and Education Center modeled after a traditional Greek Cafe. Learn about a people you never knew existed at Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum: 2,000 years in the making.
Our Museum is open every Sunday from 11am - 4pm to the general public. Free tours are offered by our very own Museum Director, Marcia Haddad Ikonomopoulos, as well as Sol Kofinas, a proud member of the Board of Trustees and a survivor of the Holocaust in Greece. Visitors are strongly encouraged to email museum@kkjsm.org to let us know if you plan to visit.