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Partner Organizations 

KKJ is proud to work with a number of Romaniote and Greek Jewish organizations in New York with the purpose of preserving our collective and unique heritage. Many of the founding members of our synagogue were also founders of these partner organizations. 

The Association of Friends of Greek Jewry

The Association of Friends of Greek Jewry continues to be one of the only organizations in the United States dedicated exclusively to Greek Jewry and we take this responsibility seriously. Its primary goal is to continue to support the history and heritage of the Jewish communities of Greece through education, restoration, and preservation initiatives both in the United States and around the globe. It has contined to serve as a resource for both Jews and non-Jews alike to learn about the unique Romaniote Jewish tradition and ensure that those who perished in the Holocaust in Greece will never be forgotten. When the United States Holocaust Museum was searching for a means to increase their photo archives on Greek Jews, they contacted the Association. When the Consul General of Greece in New York needed names for the annual January 27th commemoration of Greek-Jewish Holocaust losses, they contacted the Association. When the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki wanted help in distributing their English-language newsletter [El Avenir], they contacted the Association. When the Jewish Community of Ioannina needed help in restoring their synagogue and cemetery, they contacted the Association. When Corfiote Jews in the Diaspora wished to raise funds for a memorial plaque in the synagogue in Corfu, they contacted the Association. When the synagogue in Rhodes was in jeopardy of collapsing, the Jewish Community of Rhodes contacted the Association. 


Contact Information:


Marcia Haddad Ikonomopoulos 




Greek Jewish & Sephardic Young Professionals Network

The mission of the Network is to provide a venue where young professionals of Greek Jewish and Sephardic descent can come together in a fun, meaningful, and welcoming environment. By building off of our shared culture and heritage, we host professional and social programs that help us advance our careers, our community, and our Jewish education. We aim to connect the next generation of Sephardic and Romaniote Jews in the NYC metropolitan area by offering a setting where we can share ideas, knowledge, traditions, and business opportunities. We welcome descendants from Greece, Turkey, the Balkans, and other traditionally Ladino-speaking Sephardic communities. If you are interested in getting involved and are in your 20s or 30s please reach out to our Director, Andrew Marcus, at


Contact Information:


Andrew Marcus





United Brotherhood Good Hope Society of Janina Inc.

Founded in 1907, the Brotherhood was the first Romaniote institution of its kind in the United States and continues to serve the needs of our community to this day through social programming, events, burial support services and more. To learn more, please contact one of the following: 


Steven M. Matza


Stuart Weisselberg 
Financial Secretary - Dues
Dues Questions and Applications for Membership


David Binder
Financial Secretary - Notice of Death
Call in the event of a death in family, monument/permit issues


Martin Golden
Same as David Binder if you cannot reach him 

Sinai Chapel 
*In an emergency, please contact David Binder or Martin Golden




Sisterhood of Janina

The Sisterhood of Janina is a living testimony to the success of the first experiment in America of an organization of Romaniote women, whose sole purpose was to pursue philonthopic and social initiatives for those living in Greece, the United States, and around the world. The organization was established in 1932 under the supervision of the late Leon Colchamiro, who saw the need for this noble work as an adjunct to the Kehila Kedosha Janina. 


Today, the Sisterhood has broadened its membership scope. We are no longer a purely Romaniote Sisterhood, but a amalgamation of Jewish women with one united philosophy—that of philanthropy. Though our prime concern is to help our needy, we have also extended our focus to a multitude of charitable and philanthropic organizations. We have donated generously to The Sephardic Home, Kehila Kedosha Janina, The Gift of Life, and other worthwhile charities both in the United States and abroad, with the ambulance for Israel being our latest.


The Sisterhood has given generously to a multitude of organizations, but helping people is what we are all about. Many of our members, families, friends are now residents of the Sephardic Home for the Aged and it is with great pride that we spend every Monday After Mother's Day at The Home. The Sisterhood sees to it that each female resident is given a Mother’s Day gift and a generous donation is also presented to The Home. The smiles on the faces are like sunshine beaming down at us and if someone were to ask us why we do it, we would just have to point at the lovely faces and not have to say a word. One smile is worth a thousand words. 


Contact Information:


Rose Eskonots 



Esther Benjamin 

Treasurer (Dues/Donations)

675 Pelham Road, #F-10

New Rochelle, NY 10805



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Kehila Kedosha Janina | Synagogue and Museum


280 Broome St  New York, NY 10002 

Office: (212)-431-1619 | Email:

© Kehila Kedosha Janina 2025. All Rights Reserved. 

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